General Rules.
If you see  a post that breaking these rules, report it.
Do not post religious, political and other controversial threads.
Do not be a racist.
Do not SPAM. If your post is irrelevant to the thread then it is spamming.
Refrain from double posting, there is a EDIT button. Please use it!
Do not BUMP without waiting for 6 hours.
Do not insult members or administrators.
Do not abuse the private message system, this will lead to a week ban from the forums.
Do not Release warez, leaked content or pornography on the forums.
Do not create alternate or multiple accounts on forums.
Links that benefits you in a financial manner are not allowed. This includes pay-per-click link advert-links etc.
Don't advertise. It's simple just don't post website/ip address of other gaming communities besides our own.
Uploading rules.
Please do not upload useless content with our system besides avatar.
Refrain from using attachments use images uploading sites instead (Ex.
Do not use large signatures, Admins have the right to remove large and annoying signatures.
Additional Information.
Some boards have their own rules, read them.
Failure to follow any of these rules will result into ban for a week from forums